Friday, February 26, 2010

First Post!

Ok guys, here is where I will be keeping track of my custom-made MMO, and I'm hoping you'll act as a beta tester for me. Please note that this is not an already fully functional game and it will not include anything useful or fun for quite a while. This is just me learning how to program using Game Maker and I'm really looking for your support and input to make it better. As it stands now, I'll be taking comments right here on the page as I don't think I'll have any forums or anything (at least not for a while). Again, this is for posterity so please give honest feedback, click on everything and just TRY and break the software to flush out any bugs. If you find any, please post them here along with what you did to create the error, and any helpful suggestions. Thanks a bunch for helping out guys... maybe we can come up with a sweet game to play!!


p.s. please excuse the FFVII header image, I'm working on changing it to something more appropriate. =]